Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I wonder what happened to me, seriously... Why am I skipping lessons?
I woke up late, then I'll skip... I know it's not the right way.

This is the first time I've received letter from RP on Notice of Poor Attendance. That makes me sounds like a bad student. But, HEY... Most of the students take it that we can miss 2 lessons from each module, since they only take the 13 Daily Grade into account.

*******WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!!!!**********

I am NOT LIKE THIS! Usually my friends skipped lesson, I'll nag at them... Saying that, "take 13 out of 15 DG, doesn't mean that you can skip for 2 lessons for each module"

But, NOW! My thinking is EXACTLY the same as them! Oh my GOODNESS!

DEAR ME, please stop being sooooooooooo lazy!

Alright, if I skip another time in this semester. I'll punish myself to ... ... ...
do housework for at least twice a week.

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