Sunday, July 4, 2010

Mixed Feelings

I guess today is a GREAT & also a BAD day! =) R is starting work next monday! Congratulation!
Actually, I am contradicting myself. I am supposed to be HAPPY because he has gotten a job but I am sad because he can no longer meet me at the station after my lesson ends.

Mom was sharing with me on the bad experiences that she encountered at work, this morning. How I wish I can be like those people in the drama series... I will work hard and get into the company that she is working at, then I try hard to get a high position so that I can tell those evil people off.

I told her that I'll try to get a job right after I graduate. So, I will strive hard to get my degree and also to carve out my career. But, she disagree with my idea. She advise me not to do so, because it's hard to balance both at a time. I know I might have a hard time, but my mind is set!

Therefore, I'll have to get a job right after I graduate!

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