Friday, July 9, 2010

Liquid Diets?

Heard from my friends that there're people using this method to slim down. By just drinking fruit/veg juice or even plain water, they slimmed down a lot. I wonder if this is healthy and if this is feasible for me. I am eager to lose weight! I am going to hit 50kg soon! I used to be 43kg...

Since, R won't be able to join me for dinner from next Monday onwards(mon-thurs)... I was thinking of skipping dinner. BUT, I know I can't resist food temptation. Haha! Therefore, I am thinking of an alternative way for me to slim down.

These are the problems with me:
  • I eat a lot of junk food...
  • I still feel hungry after finishing a plate of chicken rice + soup...
  • I only drink flavoured drinks...
  • I eat lotsa sweetsss...

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