Friday, July 9, 2010

Liquid Diets?

Heard from my friends that there're people using this method to slim down. By just drinking fruit/veg juice or even plain water, they slimmed down a lot. I wonder if this is healthy and if this is feasible for me. I am eager to lose weight! I am going to hit 50kg soon! I used to be 43kg...

Since, R won't be able to join me for dinner from next Monday onwards(mon-thurs)... I was thinking of skipping dinner. BUT, I know I can't resist food temptation. Haha! Therefore, I am thinking of an alternative way for me to slim down.

These are the problems with me:
  • I eat a lot of junk food...
  • I still feel hungry after finishing a plate of chicken rice + soup...
  • I only drink flavoured drinks...
  • I eat lotsa sweetsss...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

No Determination

I said I want to do this and that for so many times...
But, I gave up after awhile.
  • Wanted to get good GPA, but after I told myself that I will be going to SIM after graduation. I stopped studying hard and work hard for As. Got the roll of honour don't know what last semester... Now, my grades are like KNS. =.=
Congratulations! You have been inducted into the Academic Roll of Honour for AY09/10 Semester 2.
2. The Academic Roll of Honour is published each semester to give due recognition to the students who have performed exceptionally well academically during that semester.
3. Induction into the Roll is limited to the top 5% performers on the basis of the Grade Point Average for the modules taken during the semester, provided that at least four modules had been taken in that semester.
4. We congratulate you on your success again and wish you all the best in your academic endeavours in the year ahead.
Best Regards,
Christopher Tan
Assistant Registrar
On Behalf of Principal/CEO
Republic Polytechnic

  • Wanted to keep my room clean & tidy, but due to my laziness... My room is untidy again.
  • Wanted to slim down, but I continue to eat lotsa foods including junk food.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Photoshop Big Eyes Lens

Played with photoshop last night, and I made all of us wear big eyes lens. In fact, I am the only one wearing. Haha!


I wonder what happened to me, seriously... Why am I skipping lessons?
I woke up late, then I'll skip... I know it's not the right way.

This is the first time I've received letter from RP on Notice of Poor Attendance. That makes me sounds like a bad student. But, HEY... Most of the students take it that we can miss 2 lessons from each module, since they only take the 13 Daily Grade into account.

*******WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!!!!**********

I am NOT LIKE THIS! Usually my friends skipped lesson, I'll nag at them... Saying that, "take 13 out of 15 DG, doesn't mean that you can skip for 2 lessons for each module"

But, NOW! My thinking is EXACTLY the same as them! Oh my GOODNESS!

DEAR ME, please stop being sooooooooooo lazy!

Alright, if I skip another time in this semester. I'll punish myself to ... ... ...
do housework for at least twice a week.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Mixed Feelings

I guess today is a GREAT & also a BAD day! =) R is starting work next monday! Congratulation!
Actually, I am contradicting myself. I am supposed to be HAPPY because he has gotten a job but I am sad because he can no longer meet me at the station after my lesson ends.

Mom was sharing with me on the bad experiences that she encountered at work, this morning. How I wish I can be like those people in the drama series... I will work hard and get into the company that she is working at, then I try hard to get a high position so that I can tell those evil people off.

I told her that I'll try to get a job right after I graduate. So, I will strive hard to get my degree and also to carve out my career. But, she disagree with my idea. She advise me not to do so, because it's hard to balance both at a time. I know I might have a hard time, but my mind is set!

Therefore, I'll have to get a job right after I graduate!

Google Translation

Well, this is real funny! >.<
My sister asked me what is 东西可以乱吃话不可以乱讲 in English, so I went to google it.
The translation is so funny, the result is... "What can you eat if not Luanjiang".
Can you understand what it means? HAHAHAHA!

5 days after the release of the Waterway Terrace

Didn't know that so many people are getting new flats! Look at the figures!

SiteFlat TypeNo of Flats Applications Received
Punggol West Waterway Terraces3-room178485

I have no idea what's with the BIG GAP above the table, but anyway good luck to those people who applied for the flat!

Exhibition on Punggol at HDB

Went to take a look, but everything is the same as the one that we can see from their HDB e-exhibition webpage.

Punggol Waterway & the Terraces

I am a Punggol's Resident WANNABE!

The Waterway Terraces

Images taken from HDB.

Boring Day

Slept for the whole day & night. Can't believe that I slept for so many hours from last night 2am till late afternoon, 5pm. I wonder what is wrong with me? Anyway, I woke up a few times during the sleep.

Watched a few episodes of Gossip Girl, and I feel like sleeping now. But, of course not! Else, I don't think I can sleep tonight.

I shall blog more then...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

SPCA, Worldcup and PS3

Went out for facial in the morning, then to Pasir Panjang for 'brunch' during the noon, then to SPCA to visit the dogs for adoption, then to IKEA, then back home to rest, then to my sister's house for dinner and to watch world cup match.

This is Xiao Bai, he was adopted a while ago before we left. (Which is a good thing, that someone adopted him!)
He's a handsome boy, for sure! =)

Was greeted by a few minutes of fireworks before our dinner. NICE!

Baby Riffy enjoying his snack.

Us, enjoying our chicken wings!

This is Cookie a.k.a. 阿笨(This is what her owners call her)!

Time for some exciting games!~

Disappointing match though... But, anyway... love Messi!